A Man of Significance Copyright 2023 Doris Gaines Rapp
A Man of Significance Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
ISBN: 978-1-7365110-9-1 (paperback)
ISBN: 979-8-9885283-0-2 (eBook)
Daniel’s House Publishing - Huntington, Indiana In cooperation with Never Alone Publishing, Fort Wayne, Indiana
An Amazon customer’s review:
“An outstanding read. Should be required reading in every high school. With thought-provoking questions at the end of each chapter for the reader. Kudos!!”
A Man of Significance is a versatile historical book that can be used in several subjects:
- Genealogy and family research
- Early Colonial America
- First appearance of slaves in Colonial America
For students studying their family tree (genealogy), the following pages are taken from the book, A Man of Significance. They are prompts to help the seeker-of-family to get to know distant relatives and their environment. Length of answers, the number of lines, and number of additional pages needed, will depend on the grade level.
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A Man of Significance Copyright 2023 Doris Gaines Rapp
Discovered Facts
Name of ancestor: ______________________________________________________________
Relationship to you: _____________________________________________________________
Date of Birth: __________________________________________________________________
Date of Death: _________________________________________________________________
Where were they born? __________________________________________________________
Where did they die? _____________________________________________________________
What was their occupation? _______________________________________________________
Father’s name: _________________________________________________________________
Father’s job and unique factors about them: __________________________________________
Mother’s name: ________________________________________________________________
Mother’s job and unique factors about them: _________________________________________
Other information you found ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Now write three things you’re thankful for, because of the ancestor you are researching.
Imagine yourself in the country of your family’s origin. Write some descriptions here: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Attach pictures you may find here on separate sheets.
A Man of Significance Copyright 2023 Doris Gaines Rapp
Your Family’s Language
What was the language of your ancestor’s homeland? Are you surprised? Did you learn that language in high school or college? Did your family speak the language in your home when you were growing up?
Use these prompts to help you find some interesting facts. How was your ancestor’s name pronounced? You can google it and write it phonetically. _________________________________________________________________________
How would your name have been pronounced? ________________________________________
Look up these phrases in case you ever go to that country:
Take me to the hotel. _____________________________________________________________
Where is the restroom? ___________________________________________________________
Where is a restaurant? ___________________________________________________________
And, the sentence everyone wants to learn: I love you. ______________________________________________________________________________
Other words you might like to learn: ______________________________________________________________________________
Add a few sentences you would find useful: ______________________________________________________________________________
Points of Historic Interest in the Country of Your Ancestor’s Origin
more pages as needed.
A Man of Significance Copyright 2023 Doris Gaines Rapp
The Traditional Clothing of Your Ancestor Find the traditional clothing of the people of your ancestor’s homeland. Place some examples on paper, or sketch the attire.
Family Life in Your Ancestor’s Home
Are there any customs in the family life of your ancestor that are interesting and unique to their country? Write them here.
A Man of Significance Copyright 2023 Doris Gaines Rapp
Your Search for Your Ancestor’s Homeland
To know someone, we must know what has helped to inform their lives. The home where they grew up is a major part of what made them who they are. You have identified your ancestor; now get acquainted with their homeland by filling these spaces.
Plants: ______________________________________________________________________________
Flowers: _____________________________________________________________________________
Animals: _____________________________________________________________________________
Birds: _______________________________________________________________________________
Landscape of home: ____________________________________________________________________
How might your ancestor have felt about their home? ______________________________________________________________________________
What might your ancestors have done for fun? ______________________________________________________________________________
Find some pictures and either add them or sketch some elements you find interesting on paper.
A Man of Significance Copyright 2023 Doris Gaines Rapp
The Shaping of Your Ancestor’s Country
Do some reading regarding the development of the country of your ancestor. Write a Timeline of the major events that shaped their development or lack of progress. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Add
more pages as needed.
Foods from Your Ancestor’s Home of Origin
Each country, ethnicity, and family have a list of foods unique to their region. My recipe for date pudding is from another ancestor’s line. It’s been in the family for almost two hundred and fifty years. If you have no family recipes, google the traditional foods and dishes enjoyed in the country you are researching. On the lines below, write the names of the dishes that interest you. Make a note of the ones that are quite unusual. Write complete recipes on a three by five card and insert them in your recipe box, for future use.